You are unable to solve a problem that takes your precious time, money and resources?
The reason behind Lafeste is our love of offering new experiences. Live events are the best option for a corporate event, product promotion, seminar, business conference, festival, cultural/artistic programme or team building.
With professional help you event can be sealed in the memory of your team and impress new audience.
You have an idea?
But plans, wishes or needs are so many…
You wish?
To motivate your employees…
You plan?
To present a new product or service…
You need?
A programme for inaugurating a hotel, branch, shop…
You organise?
A party or your business partners, concert, exhibition, show …
What next?
Analysing. Planning. Creation…

You have a strategy!
How to…
Raise awareness of a brand?
Say: Thank you to your customers and clients?
Prepare a visual design?
Create publicity?
You lack time to dedicate to details, experience in organisation, knowledge to prepare a project timetable and programme scenarios?
How do you move towards…
Organisation. Implementation. Monitoring.
You don’t know?
Don’t worry.

Lafeste has a different approach.
We offer design and style, planning of events, coordination of external functions and marketing (as well as everything in between)!
What makes us special is individual approach and total dedication to the client in all segments, regardless of size or budget. Everything that revives brands and creates experience – from strategy to performance.
Our goal!
Our goal is to maintain and improve a highly personalised and professional approach to each client, and justify the trust you gave us by your success. Your satisfaction is our utmost motivation!

Lafeste is guided by a clear strategy…
Project management is very important for us.
We are a small team with vast experience which enjoys organising each project. What makes us particularly happy is seeing the transformation of the initial idea to the final product.
With us your events will be full of emotions and secure bonding of people and brands.
We create moments in harmony with the standards and maintain close communication with our clients.
With the Lafeste agency event organisation is simple and carefree.

Office Split:
Josipa Jovića 22
mobile: +385 98 948 0700
e-mail: lafeste@lafeste.hr